Wollondilly 2040 Local Strategic Planning Statement

Image of the cover of the draft Wollondilly Local Strategic Planning Statement. Rolling green hills and blue sky.

Our vision for land use planning over the next 20 years

The LSPS outlines our vision for land use planning over the next 20 years and applies to all of Wollondilly Shire. It sets key planning priorities that guide the decisions we need to make to meet a vision for the future.

The purpose of the plan is to:

  • set the 20-year land use vision for Wollondilly
  • identify the characteristics that make Wollondilly unique
  • recognise the shared values that should be enhanced and maintained
  • manage change and direct growth
  • identify actions to support the Western City District Plan
  • support the implementation of Create Wollondilly 2033
  • set planning priorities and actions to deliver the land use vision
  • identify further planning work

The draft document was publicly exhibited from 30 September to 1 November 2019.

Wollondilly 2040 Local Strategic Planning Statement was made on 27 March 2020.

Our vision for land use planning over the next 20 years

The LSPS outlines our vision for land use planning over the next 20 years and applies to all of Wollondilly Shire. It sets key planning priorities that guide the decisions we need to make to meet a vision for the future.

The purpose of the plan is to:

  • set the 20-year land use vision for Wollondilly
  • identify the characteristics that make Wollondilly unique
  • recognise the shared values that should be enhanced and maintained
  • manage change and direct growth
  • identify actions to support the Western City District Plan
  • support the implementation of Create Wollondilly 2033
  • set planning priorities and actions to deliver the land use vision
  • identify further planning work

The draft document was publicly exhibited from 30 September to 1 November 2019.

Wollondilly 2040 Local Strategic Planning Statement was made on 27 March 2020.

  • CLOSED: Submissions are now closed.
  • CLOSED: This questionnaire has concluded.
    Vision Statement:

    It’s a lifestyle, grounded in what we love. 

    Wollondilly will be an exemplar for a sustainable future whilst retaining our semi-rural lifestyle. It will be green, fresh, clean, connected, local and healthy. The Shire’s built environment will respect and enhance its natural environment, showcasing the area’s unique values. 

    Wollondilly’s local economy and jobs will leverage the opportunities of the Western Parkland City and Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The Shire will benefit from greater investment in industry, tourism, agriculture and creative arts. 

    Wollondilly embraces the values of its natural setting, offering a unique lifestyle within a landscape that people can celebrate, visit and explore.