What is a Local Strategic Planning Statement?
Recent changes to legislation in March 2018 requires that all Councils in NSW prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) for their respective Local Government Areas (LGAs).
An LSPS is a 20 year land use planning vision that:
- Highlights the values and characteristics of an LGA,
- Identifies the opportunities and challenges facing an LGA, and
- Outlines how growth and change will be managed to accommodate and reflect this.
The LSPS must give effect to the directions outlined in the Greater Sydney Region Plan and Western City District Plan and must be consistent with the objectives found in Wollondilly’s Community Strategic Plan 2033.
Why do we need an LSPS?
The NSW Government requires that every Council in NSW prepare an LSPS. The LSPS will provide direction for how future growth and change will be managed in Wollondilly.
The LSPS will also guide changes to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP2011) and Wollondilly Development Control Plan (DCP) to ensure Council’s planning policies reflect our vision for the Shire.
How will the LSPS be used?
The LSPS will be Council’s 20 year land use vision and will provide a clear and comprehensive strategic direction for Wollondilly moving forward. As such, the LSPS will be considered in the preparation of other Council documents and policies, especially those relating to planning controls and development design guidance.
State agencies will also use the LSPS to guide infrastructure planning for the delivery of projects such as schools, hospitals and public transport.
How will the LSPS be implemented
Wollondilly 2040 will outline a long-term land use vision and strategy for Wollongilly that will be realised through:
- Amendments to Council plans and policies that provide the delivery framework for Council’s strategic planning
- Ongoing advocacy
- Decisions of Council
What is the Greater Sydney Commission and what is the Western City District Plan?
This document outlines planning directions for the next 40 years for the Greater Sydney Region.
The Western City District Plan
This document sets out regional planning directions and
focuses on Wollondilly and other adjoining South Western and Western Sydney
Will the LSPS change land use zones and other controls?
A separate process will be undertaken for implementing the changes to Wollondilly’s LEP and DCP outlined in the LSPS Priorities and Actions. These changes are likely to involve the planning controls (i.e. zoning and design guidelines) located in these documents.
You will be given the opportunity to have your say on these changes, as the process will be subject to the normal public consultation requirements and will need to be supported by Council and the Local Planning Panel before they can proceed.