Who are the Geographical Names Board?

    The New South Wales Government established the Geographical Names Board (GNB) following the Geographical Names Act 1966 to administer place names within the state.

    Local councils work with the Board to minimise issues with locality naming including duplication and orthography. It is the Board's responsibility to investigate and determine the form, spelling, meaning, pronunciation, origin and history of any geographical name. 

    More information about the functions of the GNB can be found here: https://www.gnb.nsw.gov.au/about_us/gnb_functions

    Where are the existing Wilton boundaries?

    The existing Wilton boundaries incorporates the red and grey sections on the attached map, including Wilton Growth Area, land along Wilton road until Cataract River and catchment land south towards the Wingecarribee and Wollondilly boundary. 

    What happens to the names that are not selected?

    Names that are not selected for Wilton’s new suburbs will be considered for the naming of future parks and streets.

    Why is Council asking for suggestions for a new suburb name?

    On Thursday 27 October 2022 at the Ordinary Council Meeting, a Notice of Motion was put forward. This Notice of Motion invites the community to put forward suggested new suburb names for the area. 

    You can find the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting attached in the 'Documents' folder.