What is the issue with the current location of the war memorial on the Master Plan?

    The current location for the war memorial (as shown on the current adopted Master Plan) has potential issues in being a confined space, separated from the main expanse of the park by the skate park.

    The new location options for the war memorial are more central, more visible, allow more attendees at events; and have less potential conflict with neighbouring residents and skate park users. 

    Why are there two location options for the for the new war memorial?

    Two location options are proposed for the new war memorial to give the War Memorial Committee the flexibility to decide as they re-design and refine the proposed memorial.

    What would happen to the koala sculpture?

    The koala sculpture currently located on the corner of Market Street and Appin Road would be relocated, with the location to be determined in conjunction with the War Memorial Committee.

    What about any other changes?

    The current Appin Park Master Plan was adopted in 2019, after extensive community engagement and input. As such, we are not seeking input about other changes or additions at this time.