- We hosted a drop in kiosk at the sportsground on Saturday 29 June 2019 from 10am to 12pm where we gathered ideas and you could chat to our consultants
- Feedback was collected via the features on this site
- You could call Council at 4677 1100
- You could email your thoughts to council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au
Why does Tahmoor Sportsground need an upgrade?
A district level sporting complex is not currently available in the area, and the existing Tahmoor Sportsground is under pressure to meet increasing demand from the community and new residents to provide a variety of recreational opportunities.
What will the upgrade involve?
The draft plan proposes realignment of the existing fields to maximise use of the available space.
A centrally located multi-purpose facility is proposed to service the key user groups of netball, soccer, cricket and the kennel club. This facility could include canteen/s, toilets, change rooms, storage areas, meeting room/s, etc.
The draft plan also proposes:
- New roundabout main entry point into the park with turning circle for drop-off
- Netball courts shifted to the “front” of the park.
- Formalised parking areas
- Existing storage facility kept with additional overflow parking
- Additional storage
- Re-arrangement of the BMX, skate park, dog off leash area and park area with play equipment
- Spectator seating (bleacher seating)
- Mountain bike track area
- Long jump and cricket nets relocated
Where is the money coming from?
Implementing the final plan will be undertaken in a staged approach over a 10 year period. The stages and order of works will be subject to securing funding through grants, developer contributions and Council’s future capital works allocations.
Once we have a plan finalised, we will submit a grant application through the City Deals Liveability Fund to begin the first stage of works according to the priorities that come through the community and user group feedback.
Where are we in the planning process?
We asked for community feedback over a two-week period ending on 10 July. Our consultants have incorporated this in finalising the master plan to submit for Council's approval in mid-August. Then we can begin with the grant application process to fund the implementation of the plan.
How did Council engage with the community?
Consultation was open until July 10. Thankyou to everyone who participated.
What does the upgrade mean for sports teams and others who use the sportsground?
The final plan means that the various sporting codes that use the sportsground will ultimately have access to new and improved facilities to better meet their current and future needs. The realignment of the fields, car parking and facilities will also help with how the sporting groups operate at the site.
Once the final plan is adopted, we will be working closely with the sporting groups to determine a suitable approach towards minimising disruption to their activities while works are undertaken. In some instances, some sports may need to operate at other locations for a temporary period however we will work with the sporting groups to minimise any impact.
How long will the upgrade take?
A master plan provides a 10 year vision for the site. The works will be implemented in stages based on funding availability. We anticipate the first stages of works commencing within the next 12 months.