Wollondilly Shire Council is committed to developing tourism and establishing Wollondilly as a vibrant visitor destination, by making it easier to hold celebrations like destination weddings, overnight stays, events, and markets.
Changes to the local land-use planning controls will help grow the visitor economy, enabling a more diverse range of development – especially on rural land – while managing any potential impacts.
The changes to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 are based on the Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal (Local Environmental Plan (LEP) Review Stage 1A). Council supported the proposed amendments at its August 2021 meeting, the amendments were then finalised by the NSW Government, and the changes came into effect on 16 September 2022.
The changes mean that:
Low impact events can now be held without the need for planning approval, as long as specified standards are met.
There is now a clear planning pathway for events where planning approval is required, making the application process more straightforward for those wanting to host events in the area.
Function centres are now permissible in rural land use zones and some conservation zones and will support destination weddings, functions and business conferencing.
It will be easier for a destination holiday park to be established in Wollondilly.
Markets and eco-tourist facilities are now permissible with consent in rural zones and some conservation zones.
Artisan food and drink industries are now permissible with consent in rural and business zones.
There is an expansion to where bee keeping, timber yards and high technology industries are permissible with consent.
Submissions were accepted between 8 June and 8 July 2021.
Wollondilly Shire Council is committed to developing tourism and establishing Wollondilly as a vibrant visitor destination, by making it easier to hold celebrations like destination weddings, overnight stays, events, and markets.
Changes to the local land-use planning controls will help grow the visitor economy, enabling a more diverse range of development – especially on rural land – while managing any potential impacts.
The changes to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 are based on the Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal (Local Environmental Plan (LEP) Review Stage 1A). Council supported the proposed amendments at its August 2021 meeting, the amendments were then finalised by the NSW Government, and the changes came into effect on 16 September 2022.
The changes mean that:
Low impact events can now be held without the need for planning approval, as long as specified standards are met.
There is now a clear planning pathway for events where planning approval is required, making the application process more straightforward for those wanting to host events in the area.
Function centres are now permissible in rural land use zones and some conservation zones and will support destination weddings, functions and business conferencing.
It will be easier for a destination holiday park to be established in Wollondilly.
Markets and eco-tourist facilities are now permissible with consent in rural zones and some conservation zones.
Artisan food and drink industries are now permissible with consent in rural and business zones.
There is an expansion to where bee keeping, timber yards and high technology industries are permissible with consent.
Submissions were accepted between 8 June and 8 July 2021.
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
Before Council can consider supporting a planning proposal advice must be provided by the Wollondilly Local Planning Panel.
Initial Council support
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
Council will consider the draft planning proposal and whether it has strategic planning merit.
Submit to NSW Government
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
A Planning Proposal must be forwarded to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for Gateway consideration. If it is determined the proposal should proceed a Gateway determination will be issued.
Community and Stakeholder Feedback
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
The Planning Proposal will be exhibited for a minimum of 28 days.
Feedback Review
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
The Planning Proposal will be reviewed against feedback received.
Council Support
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
The outcomes of the consultation along with and changes to the Planning Proposal will be reported to the Council to adopt the draft local environmental plan (LEP). The LEP is the legal instrument which gives effect to the planning proposal.
Legal Drafting
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal has finished this stage
If Council supports finalising the amendments, an instruction will be made to the NSW Government for the legal drafting of the local environmental plan (LEP). The NSW Parliamentary Counsel's Office must issue an Opinion that the plan can be made.
Making the plan
Events & Visitor Economy Planning Proposal is currently at this stage
The Plan comes into force the day the LEP is published on the NSW Legislation website.