Operational Plan 2023/24
Adopted June 2023
Like to know what Council is planning this financial year? Take a look at our Operational Plan 2023/24.
The Operational Plan for 2023/24 was adopted by Council at their June meeting following a period of public exhibition. All feedback was considered, and resulted in revisions to the Capital Works Program to reprioritise projects, adjustments to some fees and charges to ensure more equity, and other minor adjustments. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Key Focuses
The Operational Plan - including the Budget, Capital Works Program, Revenue Policy, and Fees and Charges - confirms the services, priority actions, and projects that Council will undertake within the financial year.
Roads - The 2023/24 Operational Plan and budget proposes a substantial and ongoing investment in roads of $30.4M, comprising capital expenditure of $20.0M, and an operating expenditure of $10.4M. There will be an emphasis on heavy patching, an additional pothole crew (grant funded) and internal traffic control crew.
Capital Works - Council is directly investing $179M over four years in an extensive capital works program that aims to deliver, maintain and renew priority infrastructure assets all across our Shire. This includes a record investment of $56.1M in 2023/24.
Key projects that are scheduled to commence or be completed during 2023/24 are:
- Waterboard Oval in Warragamba (West Invest)
- Dudley Chesham - Amenity & Community Facility (West Invest)
- New Performing Arts Centre in Picton
- Tahmoor Sports complex Stage 2
- Picton Sportsground extension of amenities
- Thirlmere Hall Renewal (West Invest)
- Redbank Park Master Plan - Dog Park (West Invest)
- Appin Park amenities Extension for community space (West Invest)
- Oakdale Hall at Egans Rd (West Invest)
- Old Menangle School Site
Plus - Council will focus on continuous improvement, enhancing service delivery, and organisational performance, including:
- Strategic Planning - more resources focused on rural and employment planning and growth area management, creating jobs and sustainable outcomes in our growth areas
- Developments Applications (DAs) - increased DA determination service levels and customer service, including investment in development engineering to increased speed and quality of referrals
- Service digitisation - improved resourcing and in-house software management to improve customer experience and cyber-security
- Infrastructure planning - improved planning and coordination of future infrastructure for our growing community.
The Big Picture
These actions and projects support the aspirations outlined in the Community Strategic Plan (Wollondilly 2033) and the Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26, which identified the community priorities:
- Roads, Roads, Roads
- Preserving and enhancing the character of the Shire while sustainable managing growth and development
- Vital infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing community
- Local jobs, tourism, agribusiness
- Community resilience
- Major infrastructure and new community/sporting facilities
- Customer experience and care for community
- Sound financial management
Rates Restructure
Separately, we sought community feedback about the method used to calculate rates, ahead of incorporating a new 'base rate' structure into the Operational Plan. For more information about the rate structure, head to the page for Wollondilly's Rate Structure Review.
More Information
For more information please contact our Corporate Strategy and Planning Team at 4677 1100.